About the Korg MS-20
The Korg MS-20 is a 2 oscillator monosynth, originally produced from 1978-1983.
The MS-20 not only looks cool on stage, it's sound design possibilities are immense. While some connections in the synth are hardwired, the MS-20 also has a fairly extensive patch panel on the front - allowing some of the signal path flexibility usually only found in modular synths. These semi-modular possibilities alongside other uncommon features like it's multimode filter (high pass, low pass, notch and band-reject), have made the Korg MS-20 one of the most flexible and sought after monosynths of all time.
Read more about the Korg MS-20's signal flow, sound-design capabilities and also some personal anecdotes here in Francis Xavier’s (Motorik) full length review of the Korg MS-20 at Stoney Roads (our partners in crime on this one).
Audio Examples
About the Instrument Racks
In the download is Live Set including 14 Instrument Racks - each set up to give you instantly satisfying and powerful results.
- 8 of the Instrument Racks are presets designed on the MS-20 by Francis Xavier (Motorik Records) and Yama Indra (Gloves)
- 4 Instrument Racks with the raw waveforms from the MS-20 - allowing you to sculpt and create presets of your own
- Each Instrument Rack has Macros for easy control of the main synth settings, and hand-picked effects chains for each sound
14 Instrument Racks
468 Samples
System Requirements:
The samples can be used in any DAW or any version of Ableton Live.
To use the project containing the Instrument Racks, you'll need the following:
Ableton Live 10 or above, and the usual Ableton system requirements:
- OS X 10.11.6 or later.
- Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor (Intel® Core™ i5 processor or faster recommended)
- 4 GB RAM (8 GB or more recommended)
Copyright, Terms and Conditions:
You can use these loops in your own music or performances, royalty free. Other rights are reserved by Liveschool, including sole rights to sales and distribution of the samples and template Ableton Live set.